My Export Coach : carry out free of charge your own profil

Autonomous personality/country culture matching platform
Because your know-how is a fundamental element for success !
Discover your cultural profile
and adapt it
to your contact
to win contract !
The PROFILER provides insightful elements of
your behaviours on which you have to be attention in order
to be successful. Latest reviews
  • Work more effectively
  • Raise the awareness of your staff to international
  • Improve the efficiency of your export team
  • Increase your visibility on market
  • Reach your goals

Good luck in the discovery of yourself !

Laurent Goulvestre
Cross cultural facilitator
Author, speaker and cross cultural trainer
Myexportcoach creator
Mob : +33 (0)607 569 438

Classe export Laurent Goulvestre

Subscription to platform is open to everyone

If you do not have a partner code, please leave this field empty.

Monthly connections
Countries covered
  • D-Day Be ready to be successful when you arrive in the country
  • Impairs Avoid blunders and introduce yourself as a real professional
  • New contract Gain credibility by a real Know-How
  • Limit stress Lower the stress and uncertainty to overcome difficult situation
  • No longer alone Take advantage from the bests
  • Submission to the platform is 100 % free.
    Enter your contact information and a code if you have one
    Registration :

    * Mandatory fields